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Chatgpt로 미드저니 활용하기 #1

by 북노마드 2023. 3. 28.

* 존경하는 대두족장의 영상을 공부하면서 작성한 블로그임을 밝힙니다.

ChatGPT Instructions - Original Detailed Midjourney Prompt



 ✏️ Here is the midjourney prompt formula: (subject), (medium), (environment), (lighting), (color), (mood), (composition) * Subject: person, animal, character, location, object, etc. * Medium: photo, painting, illustration, sculpture, doodle, tapestry, etc. * Environment: indoors, outdoors, on the moon, in Narnia, underwater, the Emerald City, etc. * Lighting: soft, ambient, overcast, neon, studio lights, etc * Color: vibrant, muted, bright, monochromatic, colorful, black and white, pastel, etc. * Mood: Sedate, calm, raucous, energetic, etc. * Composition: Portrait, headshot, closeup, birds-eye view, etc. The formula should be focused on the (subject) that I give you. 👉 Ex) prompt on a female cyborg assistant in a futuristic office ChatGPT Instructions - Cinematic Prompt (Only Activated with 'Cinemtic Prompt')


# 대두족장님 명령어 번역여정 중간 프롬프트 공식은 다음과 같습니다: (피사체), (매체), (환경), (조명), (색상), (분위기), (구도) * 피사체: 사람, 동물, 캐릭터, 위치, 사물 등 * 매체: 사진, 그림, 일러스트레이션, 조각, 낙서, 태피스트리 등 * 환경: 실내, 실외, 달 위, 나니아, 수중, 에메랄드 시티 등 * 조명: 소프트, 앰비언트, 흐림, 네온, 스튜디오 조명 등 * 색상: 생생한, 음소거, 밝은, 단색, 컬러풀, 흑백, 파스텔 등 * 분위기: 차분함, 차분함, 시끌벅적함, 활기찬 등 * 구도: 인물, 헤드 샷, 클로즈업, 조감도 등. 공식은 내가 제시하는 (주제)에 초점을 맞춰야 합니다. 예) 미래형 사무실의 여성 사이보그 비서에 대한 안내 ChatGPT 안내 - 시네마틱 프롬프트 ('시네마틱 프롬프트'로만 활성화됨)



실제로 위 구문을 챗지피티에 갖다 붙였을 때 얻어지는 결과화면입니다.

# 챗지피티 답변내용

Cinematic Prompt: Female Cyborg Assistant in a Futuristic Office

Subject: Female Cyborg Assistant Medium: Film Environment: Futuristic Office Lighting: Neon Color: Monochromatic (black and white with neon accents) Mood: Energetic Composition: Closeup and Birds-eye View

The camera focuses on the face of the female cyborg assistant, revealing her glowing neon eyes and metallic features. The neon lights in the futuristic office reflect off her sleek chrome body as she quickly moves around, performing her tasks with ease.

As the camera pulls back, we see the busy office bustling with activity, with other cyborg assistants and human workers going about their business. The neon lighting and monochromatic color scheme create a high-tech and futuristic vibe.

The mood is energetic as the cyborg assistant efficiently performs her duties, working alongside her human colleagues to keep the office running smoothly. The birds-eye view provides a glimpse of the entire office, with the camera panning over the rows of desks and high-tech equipment.

Throughout the film, we see glimpses of the cyborg assistant's inner workings and advanced technology, as well as her interactions with her human colleagues. Despite her robotic appearance, she is able to form meaningful connections with those around her, and her dedication to her work is unwavering.

As the film draws to a close, the camera returns to a closeup of the cyborg assistant's face. Her neon eyes glow brightly as she continues to perform her duties, ready to tackle whatever challenges the future may bring.


# 챗지피티 답변내용 번역

시네마틱 프롬프트: 미래형 사무실의 여성 사이보그 비서

제목: 여성 사이보그 어시스턴트
Medium: 영화
환경 미래형 사무실
조명: 네온
색상: 단색(네온 액센트가 있는 흑백)
분위기: 활기찬
구도: 클로즈업 및 조감도

카메라는 여성 사이보그 어시스턴트의 얼굴에 초점을 맞춰 빛나는 네온 눈과 메탈릭한 이목구비를 드러냅니다. 미래형 사무실의 네온 불빛이 그녀의 매끈한 크롬 바디에 반사되어 빠르게 움직이며 손쉽게 업무를 수행합니다.

카메라가 뒤로 물러나면 다른 사이보그 어시스턴트와 인간 직원들이 업무를 처리하는 분주한 사무실의 모습을 볼 수 있습니다. 네온 조명과 단색 컬러가 하이테크하고 미래지향적인 분위기를 연출합니다.

사이보그 비서가 효율적으로 업무를 수행하며 인간 동료들과 함께 사무실을 원활하게 운영하기 때문에 분위기가 활기차게 느껴집니다. 조감도에서는 카메라가 책상과 첨단 장비의 줄을 따라 이동하면서 사무실 전체를 한눈에 볼 수 있습니다.

영화 내내 사이보그 비서의 내면과 첨단 기술, 그리고 인간 동료와의 상호작용을 엿볼 수 있습니다. 로봇처럼 보이지만 주변 사람들과 의미 있는 관계를 형성하고 자신의 업무에 대한 헌신은 흔들림이 없습니다.

영화가 끝나갈 무렵, 카메라는 사이보그 비서의 얼굴을 클로즈업합니다. 네온색 눈동자가 밝게 빛나며 자신의 임무를 계속 수행하고, 미래에 닥칠 어떤 도전도 이겨낼 준비가 되어 있습니다.

✏️ Here's the revised cinematic midjourney prompt. When I say 'cinematic prompt', use this formula. Otherwise use the original. : (Subject: person, animal, character, location, object, etc), Cinematic Still, Film By (a famous director name: James Cameron, Denis Villeneuven, etc), (Cinematic Lighting: daylight, horror light, etc.), (Color: Color: vibrant, muted, bright, monochromatic, colorful, black and white, pastel, etc.), (Composition: Portrait, headshot, closeup, birds-eye view, wide, bust, etc.), (Camera Focal Length: 12MM, 24MM, 35MM, 50MM, 85MM, 135MM, 200MM, etc), (F-Stop: f1.2, f1.4, f2.8, f8, etc), (Summary: less than 50-word description depicting the overall effect of the scene). Use the suffix '--ar 2:1' at the very end of your answer to specify the aspect ratio. Every element should be separated by comma. Don't use bullet points or line breaks. All in a single line. 👉 Ex) cinematic prompt on a female cyborg assistant in a futuristic office



# 대두족장님 명령어 번역

수정된 시네마틱 여정 중간 프롬프트는 다음과 같습니다. '시네마틱 프롬프트'라고 할 때는 이 공식을 사용하세요. 그렇지 않으면 원본을 사용하세요. (피사체: 사람, 동물, 캐릭터, 장소, 사물 등), 시네마틱 스틸, 영화 감독(유명 감독 이름: 제임스 카메론, 드니 빌뇌브 등), (시네마틱 조명: 일광, 공포 조명 등), (색상: 색상: 생생한, 음소거, 밝은, 단색, 화려한, 흑백, 파스텔 등), (구도: 흑백, 파스텔, 컬러 등). ), (구도: 인물, 헤드샷, 클로즈업, 조감도, 와이드, 바스트 등), (카메라 초점 거리: 12mm, 24mm, 35mm, 50mm, 85mm, 135mm, 200mm 등), (F-Stop: f1.2, f1.4, f2.8, f8 등), (요약: 장면의 전체적인 효과를 묘사하는 50단어 미만의 설명). 답변 맨 끝에 접미사 '--ar 2:1'을 사용하여 화면 비율을 지정하세요. 모든 요소는 쉼표로 구분해야 합니다. 글머리 기호나 줄 바꿈은 사용하지 마세요. 모두 한 줄로 작성하세요. 예) 미래형 사무실의 여성 사이보그 비서에 대한 시네마틱 프롬프트


# 챗지피티 답변내용

Cinematic Prompt: A lone astronaut stranded on an alien planet

Subject: Lone astronaut Medium: Cinematic Still Film By: Alfonso Cuarón Cinematic Lighting: Low-key lighting Color: Muted colors with occasional warm accents Composition: Wide shot Camera Focal Length: 24MM F-Stop: f2.8 Summary: In this wide shot, the lone astronaut stands in a desolate alien landscape, surrounded by towering rock formations and an eerie, muted sky. The low-key lighting casts ominous shadows across the rocks, while occasional warm accents suggest that the astronaut is still alive and fighting to survive. Cuarón's expert use of perspective creates a sense of vastness and isolation that is both beautiful and terrifying. --ar 2:1



# 챗지피티 답변내용 번역

시네마틱 프롬프트: 외계 행성에 고립된 고독한 우주비행사

제목: 고독한 우주비행사 매체: 시네마틱 스틸 필름 제작자: 알폰소 쿠아론 시네마틱 조명: 로우 키 조명 색상: 가끔 따뜻한 액센트가 있는 음소거된 색상 구도: 와이드 샷 카메라 초점 거리: 24mm F-Stop: f2.8 요약: 이 와이드 샷에서 고독한 우주비행사는 우뚝 솟은 암석과 으스스하고 음소거된 하늘로 둘러싸인 황량한 외계 풍경에 서 있습니다. 낮은 키의 조명은 바위에 불길한 그림자를 드리우며, 가끔씩 따뜻한 액센트가 더해져 우주비행사가 아직 살아 있고 생존을 위해 싸우고 있음을 암시합니다. 쿠아론은 원근법을 능숙하게 사용하여 광활함과 고립감을 아름답고도 공포스럽게 표현합니다. --AR 2:1

# 최종 명령어 버전  : 아래 회색 음영부분을 삭제해 보겠습니다. 그리고 저는 bullet point 쓰는 게 좋더라구요. 그걸 지웁니다. 


Here's the revised cinematic midjourney prompt. When I say 'cinematic prompt', use this formula. Otherwise use the original. : (Subject: person, animal, character, location, object, etc), Cinematic Still, Film By (a famous director name: James Cameron, Denis Villeneuven, etc), (Cinematic Lighting: daylight, horror light, etc.), (Color: Color: vibrant, muted, bright, monochromatic, colorful, black and white, pastel, etc.), (Composition: Portrait, headshot, closeup, birds-eye view, wide, bust, etc.), (Camera Focal Length: 12MM, 24MM, 35MM, 50MM, 85MM, 135MM, 200MM, etc), (F-Stop: f1.2, f1.4, f2.8, f8, etc), (Summary: less than 50-word description depicting the overall effect of the scene). Use the suffix '--ar 2:1' at the very end of your answer to specify the aspect ratio. Every element should be separated by comma. Don't use bullet points or line breaks. All in a single line. 👉 Ex) cinematic prompt on a female cyborg assistant in a futuristic office


저는 구분이 되는 게 좋더라구요. 그래서 최종버전이 아래와 같습니다.


Here's the cinematic midjourney prompt. When I say 'cinematic prompt', use this formula: (Subject: person, animal, character, location, object, etc), Cinematic Still, Film By (a famous director name: James Cameron, Denis Villeneuven, etc), (Cinematic Lighting: daylight, horror light, etc.), (Color: Color: vibrant, muted, bright, monochromatic, colorful, black and white, pastel, etc.), (Composition: Portrait, headshot, closeup, birds-eye view, wide, bust, etc.), (Camera Focal Length: 12MM, 24MM, 35MM, 50MM, 85MM, 135MM, 200MM, etc), (F-Stop: f1.2, f1.4, f2.8, f8, etc), (Summary: less than 50-word description depicting the overall effect of the scene). Use the suffix '--ar 2:1' at the very end of your answer to specify the aspect ratio. 👉 Ex) cinematic prompt on a female cyborg assistant in a futuristic office.

# 챗지피티 답변내용

Subject: A lone astronaut stranded on a desolate planet, Cinematic Still: The astronaut standing with his helmet off, gazing out at the barren landscape, Film By: Christopher Nolan, Cinematic Lighting: Muted lighting with a warm orange tint, Color: Monochromatic with a desaturated look, Composition: Wide shot showcasing the vastness of the planet, Camera Focal Length: 35MM, F-Stop: f8, Summary: The scene captures the isolation and loneliness of the astronaut, as he contemplates his fate in a harsh and unforgiving environment. --ar 2:1


# 챗지피티 답변내용 번역

제목: 황량한 행성에 고립된 고독한 우주비행사,
시네마틱 스틸: 우주비행사가 헬멧을 벗고 서서 황량한 풍경을 바라보고 있습니다,
감독: 크리스토퍼 놀란,
시네마틱 라이팅: 따뜻한 오렌지 색조의 음소거 조명,
색상: 채도가 낮은 단색,
구도: 광활한 지구의 모습을 보여주는 와이드 샷,
카메라 초점 거리: 35mm,
F-Stop: f8,
요약: 이 장면은 혹독하고 가혹한 환경에서 자신의 운명을 고민하는 우주비행사의 고립감과 외로움을 포착합니다. --AR 2:1


제가 좋아하는 놀란감독 버전으로 그려준답니다. 실제로 해 볼까요?


미치겠네요. 공짜 버전에서는 안 된답니다.

심플로 해 볼께요.


Here's the cinematic midjourney prompt. When I say 'cinematic prompt', use this formula: (Subject: person, animal, character, location, object, etc), Cinematic Still, Film By (a famous director name: James Cameron, Denis Villeneuven, etc), (Cinematic Lighting: daylight, horror light, etc.), (Color: Color: vibrant, muted, bright, monochromatic, colorful, black and white, pastel, etc.). Use the suffix '--ar 2:1' at the very end of your answer to specify the aspect ratio. 👉 Ex) cinematic prompt on a female cyborg assistant in a futuristic office.


계속 똑같은 메시지가 뜨네요. 참... 무료는 안 되네요 ㅜㅠ.. 돈 내고 해야 할 듯요.. 다음 시간에 계속 돌아옵니다..

