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영어뉴스 공부하기: The Week in Numbers: the $100 bln question

by 북노마드 2023. 6. 9.

* the million-dollar question 쟁점, 핵심


# From big job cuts at Disney, to a $100 billion boo-boo by Google’s AI chatbot, this is the Week in Numbers.
First up,7,000 is how many jobs are set to go at Disney. The entertainment giant is taking steps to make its streaming services profitable. It’s just the latest in a string of big layoffs at top U.S. firms. This week alone saw PC
maker Dell and web service provider Yahoo announce thousands more cuts.


* 100 hundred

* 1,000 thousand

* 조 trillion

* a billion dollars = 1조원

* boo-boo 아야, 상처, 아픈 곳 => mistake 실수  / faux pas / blunder

mistakeespecially an embarrassing one


* is set to = is expected to

* profit <-> growth

* make sth profitable 흑자전환, 수익성 개선

* a string of = a series of 

* A see B = B happen ~

#  $219 billion was the combined profit at Big Oil last year. Firms including Exxon Mobil, Shell and BP all posted record earnings and now plan to shower shareholders with cash. Some think it’s time voters got a good share of the loot too, with calls for more windfall taxes mounting.


* Big Oil 대형 석유 회사

* record 사상 최대

* shower 퍼붓다

* It's time to go to bed

* It's time you you went to bed 이미 했어야 했다.

* loot 약탈 / 전리품 / 훔친 돈

goods or possessions taken from a place that an enemy has gained control of in a war

* windfall tax 황제세

an amount of money that you get when you are not expecting it, especially a large amount

windfall profits

- windfall tax

an extra amount of tax that the government charges a company that makes a lot of money unexpectedly

* call = request

# $100 billion was the tumble in value for Google parent Alphabet. That after Bard, its new AI chatbot, was spotted making mistakes in promotional material. Investors wonder whether Google is falling behind Microsoft backed rival ChatGPT.


* tumble 대폭 하락

* spot 포착, 발견

* financially backed

#  Gradient Investments portfolio manager Tyler Ellegard says the pressure got to Google’s bosses: “Alphabet really tried to rush their product to market, and really get their name out there, and let people know that they
have a similar product. Obviously it wasn’t ready. That rush was unwarranted.”
$225 million is how much Bed Bath & Beyond raised in a new equity offering. The struggling U.S. retailer says it could yet raise $800 million more. That allows it to stave off bankruptcy for now, but analysts say it still only has a few quarters left to pull off a turnaround.


* gradient: a measure of how steep a road is


* rush: 성급하게 ~ 하다

* IPO : Initial Public Offering - offering 주식(지분) 판매

* stave off = prevent 

to stop something from happening

We’re still trying to stave off a trade war with the US.

* for now 당분간은 

* a turnaround (상황) 개선

* Turn around and look at me.

*  pull off 해내다 (샴페인 뚜껑을 힘겹게 빼내다)

#  And precisely zero is how much the UK economy grew over the last quarter of 2022, when it was battered by soaring inflation. That’s pretty grim, but does at least mean the country dodged entering a recession. The Bank of England still predicts a long but shallow slowdown to come.


* batter : hit by ~ to deliberately hit someone many times (반죽 - 수타 - 여러차례 때리다)

The court heard that he had battered his wife to death.

* 구타 battery 

* grim 

grim news, situations, or events are unpleasant and make you feel upset and worried

the grim reality of unemployment

The future looks pretty grim.

* dodge : 가장 많이 피하는 것, 세금 / 병역 에 가장 많이 씀

to avoid someone or something by moving quickly, especially so that something does not hit you or someone does not see you

Shoppers had to dodge flying glass when the bomb exploded.

cyclists dodging through the traffic

