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영어뉴스 공부하기: UK economy narrowly avoids recession

by 북노마드 2023. 5. 31.

* recession < recede = move back 후퇴

* slowdown < recession

* business cycle 경기순환주기

* (경기가) 바닥을 치다 bottom out

if something such as an economy or price bottoms out, it reaches its lowest level before starting to improve again

Property prices are still falling, and show no signs of bottoming out.

* 회복 :  recovery (좋아지는)

* 성장 : expansion = growth

* 고점 : peak

* 안 좋아지는 정도 : recession

* 아주 안 좋아짐 : contraction

* 사전적 정의 : 2사분기 연속 마이너스 성장 : recession

# Britain's economy did not enter a recession in the final three months of last year, but it came very close. The UK showed zero growth in the quarter. The country previously saw output fall in the three months to the end of September. A second consecutive quarter of falling output would have met the usual European definition of a recession.


* euphemism 완곡어법

* came close 거의 그럴 뻔 했다

* in the three months to the end of September : 7, 8, 9월 (3분기)

* would have pp ~ 였을 것이다

* meet / fit / satisfy the definition of * ~ 정의에 부합하다

# British Finance Minister Jeremy Hunt: ''Well the fact that we have avoided recession, in fact we are the fastest growing major country last year, shows there is underlying resilience in the UK economy . But we are not
out of the woods. Inflation is still much too high. That is causing pain for families up and down the country."
Official figures showed Friday the economy did contract in December.
Gross domestic product fell 0.5% that month, when Britain saw rail strikes and bad weather. Output in the fourth quarter was still 0.8% below its pre-health crisis level.


* in fact 오히려, 그 정도가 아니라

* It's not that I don't like her. In fact, I like/love her. 

* major country 선진국

* underlie = hidden 내재적 (on the inside)

to be the real or basic cause of or reason for something

What really underlies most heart disease?

The safety of children underlies all our decisions.

* resilience 오뚝이, 강인함

* tree(땅에 심어져 있음) / wood(목재) / timber (잘라서)

* the woods = a forest

* not out of the woods yet 아직 위기를 벗어나지 못했다

* up and down the country 전국적으로 (영국) = from coast to coast (미국) = throughout the country = across the country

* 통계자료 figures stats numbers 모두 s를 붙임

* 성장 grow, expand

* 마이너스 성장 contract(명사 contraction), shrink

* 0.5 %

point five percent

zero point five percent

o point five percent

naught point five percent

a half of a percent

# That was a sharp contrast to other major advanced economies, which are now above pre-health crisis size. Analysts believe Britain still faces the risk of a recession soon. The Bank of England forecast last week the country would enter a shallow but long recession. It predicts it will start early this year and last five quarters in total.
British living standards have been hit hard by inflation, which reached a 41 year high of 11.1% in October. The country has also felt more pressure from the Bank of England's quick rise in interest rates.


* 선진국 : advanced / developed / more civilized contries

* risk : 가능성

* shallow 소폭

* living standard(s) 생활수준

