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영어 뉴스 공부하기 : H &M profit tumbles as costs bite

by 북노마드 2023. 5. 22.

* tumble : 곤두박질 = plunge, slump

* H&M profit 영업이익

* revenue - cost  = profit

* bite 물면 아프다 => 본격화, 악재로 작용하다

# H&M shares tumbled on Friday. They were down around 5% by mid morning following worse than expected results. Operating profit over the latest quarter dropped to just under $80 million.
That was less than a quarter of the number forecast by analysts, and a fraction of the figure this time last year. H&M blamed external factors, including the loss of profits previously made in Russia.


* by mid morning : 오전장 한때

* following  = after

* $80 million 8천만 달러

* fraction 분수 = 극히 일부, 미미한 수치

* blame 비난X, 탓하다

* including 그런 요인들 중에~

# The world’s second biggest fashion retailer also faces expenses from launching a cost saving program, which includes layoffs. Savings from the measures are expected to start showing up in the second half of this year. Higher costs for freight, raw materials and energy also took a toll.
Chief Executive Helena Helmersson said H&M had opted not to pass all those costs on to customers. Instead, she said the company would keep prices low in a bid to strengthen its market position. 


* retailer : 소매업체, 유통업체, 소매유통업

* layoff : 감원

* freight 화물, 운송

* take a toll = do damage

* 전가하다 : pass ~ on to ~ : on은 받아서 전달하는 느낌이 있음.

* opt 선택하다

* a bid = an attempt

* a presidential bid 대선 출마

= a bid to become president

* market position 시장내 입지

# H&M has struggled to keep up with arch rival Inditex, which owns Zara.
Back in December, it posted a jump in profits, but did say sales growth had slowed towards the end of the year.


* struggle = have trouble/difficulty 어려움을 겪다, 쉽지 않다

* keep up with 뒤쳐지지 않고 따라가다

* a nemesis 숙적/ 평생 라이벌 = arch rival 최고의 라이벌

* own(s) Zara 자라의 모기업

* did say ~~  : 그런데 오히려 

I really/ actaully went there with him. 오히려, 그런데, 실제로

I did go there with him.

