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영어뉴스 공부하기 : Stocks climb after banks report Q4 earnings

by 북노마드 2023. 5. 10.

* stocks : s가 붙으면 전체 시황  => Wall Street = US stocks = the three main indexes

* shares / stock : 한 기업의 주가

* end / finish / close (장 마감)

up or down

higher or lower (상승장, 하락장)

mixed (인덱스 3개중에 2개는 오르고, 1개는 내리고 ==> 혼조세)

flat or unchanged (어제와 같다 ==> 보합세)

* banks 금윰기관 => 때에 따라서는 증권사 포함 ==> 금융사

* earnings : 실적

# U.S. stocks finished higher on Friday, notching a second straight week of gains, amid easing inflation expectations and better than feared earnings from some of the big U.S. banks. The Dow rose a third of a percent, the S&P 500 ended four tenths of a percent higher, while the Nasdaq gained seven tenths of a percent.


* notch  = record 기록하다

* 주간 동향 : 월요일 대비 금요일이 올랐다 => 그 주는 상승장

= a weely gain 

* amid = in the middle of 

* feared earnings 우려했던 실적

* 상승 add <-> 하락, 감소 lose

* 0.33% = a third of a percent

* 0.07% = seven hundredths of a percent


# Wall Street's biggest banks kicked off the fourth quarter earnings season with some notes of caution about a possible recession, but they said consumers remained healthy and higher interest rates boosted profits.
Anna Rathbun is chief investment officer at CBIZ Investment Advisory Services. "There's been bank earnings that have beat expectations. I think the ones that have not have been a little bit idiosyncratic. But, in general,
the expectations have been beaten and as far as market pricing is concerned, that's what's important."


* kick off 시작하다

* caution = warning 주의, 경고 => 가능성 (자칫)

* note(s) 발언

* recession <- recede / go back 후퇴하다 (마이너스 느낌이 있다) 

* slowdown 성장은 하는데 성장세가 꺾이는 것

* 경제가 안정적 healthy = strong = strengthen(동사)

* have beat(en) expectations

* expectations, estimates, projections 예상수치, 예상실적

* estimates, projections : 주로 수치를 나타내는 곳에 쓰임

* expectations 수치를 포함하지만 수치보다는 그냥 예상실적으로 많이 쓰임

* miss / meet / beat expectations

* short of / up to / above

* idiosyncratic = unusual 예외적인

idiosyncratic tendencies are unusual or strange, and not shared by other people

He has some rather idiosyncratic views about what constitutes good television.

her own idiosyncratic style of painting

* as far as I am concerned 저하고 관련되고 있는 것까지 말씀 드리면 => 다른 사람은 몰라도 저는

* as far as market pricing is concerned 다른 요소는 모르겠지만, 시장 가격에 있어서는

* price vs value :  정해진 (객관적인) 가격 vs (주관적인) 가치

* pricing : value를 정하는 것

# Shares of JPMorgan Chase rose 2.5% while Bank of America's stock gained 2.2% after both lenders reported quarterly profit that beat estimates. Shares of Citigroup and Wells Fargo also rose despite earnings that fell
short of quarterly profit estimates.
Tesla shares declined, limiting gains in the S&P 500, after the company slashed prices on its electric vehicles in the United States and Europe by as much as 20% after missing 2022 deliveries estimates. And shares of
Delta Air Lines fell 3.5% after the carrier forecast first quarter profit below expectations. 


* shares : 개별 기업의 주가 = stock

* report 발표

* lender = bank : 은행은 돈을 어떻게 버는가 => 예대마진

*증권사 : securities company = broker = a brokerage house (*일반인들이 증권사를 통해서 주식을 매매) (*그냥 security라고 쓰면 보안 회사임)

* slash prices 가격인하

* (by) as much as 20% 무려 20%

* delivery : 차 계약해서 고객 손에 * 인도 (최종계약 성사)

* 매출 : sales / shipment (공장에서 시장으로 이동 = 출하) 

* the carrier : 항공사, 통신사 

* telecommunitcations : s를 붙임,. 통신사

