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영어뉴스 공부하기 : Business Calendar: much ado in Tokyo and Davos

by 북노마드 2023. 5. 12.

* much ado about nothing: 괜한 일에 호들갑을 떨다

= a big fuss


without further​/​more ado

without any delay

Without further ado, let’s begin the show.

# From a central bank under pressure in Japan, to a snowy gathering for the global elite, these are the business and finance stories to watch out for in the coming days.
The Bank of Japan holds a policy meeting, and investors think it might just have a move to announce. It’s been the last holdout for ultra easy monetary policy among major central banks. But data showing inflation picking up could mean it’s time for a change.


* elite: 복수느낌 => 상위계층

* watch out for 우리가 관심을 가져야 할 

(watch out for something/someone) to be careful of something or someone

Watch out for snakes!

We will be discussing street crime and what you should watch out for.

* hold out : 항복을 거부하다 => 끝까지 잡고 안 놓는 것 (저항), 시류에 변화를 거부

* monetary policy 금리 => easy monetary policy 금리완화정책 <-> tight 공급부족

# World leaders and assorted elites will gather again in the Swiss ski resort of Davos. The annual meeting of the World Economic Forum is expected to draw record attendance. It will discuss everything from the cost of living crisis, to natural disasters and the conflict in Ukraine.
Big earnings reports and U.S. retail sales data will gauge the health of corporate America. Goldman Sachs is among those to report, just as it starts a global jobs cull. Watch out too for numbers from Morgan Stanley, Procter & Gamble and Netflix.


* assorted : 다양한

including various types

assorted fruits and vegetables

tools in assorted sizes

* assorted elites 각계각층의 상류층

* record 사상최고의

more, better, worse, faster etc than ever before

A record crowd of 120,000 people saw the game.

I made it back to the office in record time.

* attendance 참가자수

=>  record attendance 사상최고의 참가자

* big = major 주요업체들의 earning reports 실적발표

* retail sales 소매매출 = consumer spending 소비지표

* gauge = measure 가늠하다, 측정하다

* health 건강상태 => 현재 상태

* corporate America = US corporationgs 미국기업들 (공기업은 안 들어감) 


* cull : 자연도태 - 개체가 너무 많으면 죽여서라도 개체수를 감소시키는 것 = layoff 인원감축

o kill animals deliberately, especially in order to stop the population from becoming too large


* watch out for 주시해야 할 것은

# Figures from China are expected on industrial output, retail sales, economic growth and more. And the numbers are all expected to be ugly. Eyes will also be on travel ahead of China’s new year celebrations and what that tells us about the progress on reopening after lockdowns.
And we’ll get more clues to the global inflation squeeze. Data is due in the euro zone, UK, Canada and Japan. Core inflation in all four is mostly rising, and above target. There’s little sign that consumers are about to get any


* 수치, 통계, 자료  numbers, stats, figures (on sth)

* industrial output 제조업 생산(공장 생산)

* 산업, 공업, 제조업, 굴뚝산업 industry (기계를 이용해서 생산/제조하는 것)

* ugly : 못생긴X => 고개를 돌리게 만드는, 보고 싶지 않게 만들다

* I've got my eyes on you 나는 항상 너를 주시하고 있어

* celebrations= events 

* celebration 개념임 the idea of remembering / praising ~~

* a celebration = a specific event

* sqeeze 오렌지를 쥐어짜면 즙이 나옴 = tightening 긴축

* due 예정

* the euro zone 유로 화폐를 사용하는 국가

* core 근원 => 뭔가를 제외하는 느낌 => 개별적 요인이 있는 것은 제외 

* core inflation : 석유 등 제외하고 생필품 같은 것! 

* relief 숨통이 트이다 


