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영어 뉴스 공부하기 : Tesla cuts prices in U.S., Europe to drive sales

by 북노마드 2023. 5. 16.

 *drive = boost = increase 판매 촉진 (drive sales)

* 판매부진 : slow, sluggish, weak

# Tesla has slashed prices in the U.S. and Europe in a bid to drive sales.
The U.S. price cuts were announced late Thursday and covered all car models.
Reuters calculations showed a discount of up to 20%. That could exceed 30% when you add in new federal tax credits, which took effect this month.
In Germany, Tesla cut prices on its Model 3 sedan and Model Y crossover. Those are its best selling vehicles worldwide. The discounts ranged up to almost 17%. Prices were also cut in Austria, Switzerland and France. Such moves follow reductions announced earlier in China and other Asian markets.


* in a bid = in an attempt 일환, 노력

* cover all car models 해당된다

* up to = as much as 최대 

* add (in) new federal tax credits

* tax credit(s) 세액 공제 = 세금을 깎아주는 것 => 가격인하의 효과 있음

* tax deduction 소득 공제

   (*taxable income 과세 표준 (소득 중에서 필요경비를 제외한 소득)) 

* tax breaks 세제상 혜택 = tax credit + tax deduction  (*Give me a break)

* sedan 승용차

* crossover  혼합 

* 매출 1위 : the best selling products

* follow = come after

* sush moves follow sth 이번 가격인하가 있기 전

 #  The discounts come after Tesla missed Wall Street estimates for deliveries.
They also mark a sharp reversal from its former strategy, when demand was stronger and prices were trending higher.
Last month, company boss Elon Musk said that global interest rate rises had changed the outlook for the industry, and could require price cuts.
Analysts said the new moves should work to stimulate demand. They could also spark a price war with European and Chinese rivals. Volkswagen only recently raised the price of its entry level ID.3 model, putting it
roughly on par with Tesla’s Model 3.


* come after = happen after = ~ 때문에, because 안 써도 됨

* mark : 표시내다 => 눈에 띄는 것

* This year is / marks the 20th anniversity. (*is 와 똑같은 뜻이지만 mark 뒤에는 sth special한 것이 옴)

* trend = change = develop : 가격이 상승세에 있었다

* outlook (for) 전망

* 산업전망 : the outlook for the industry

* work 효과가 있다

* on par with 같은 수준

* put sth on par with ~ 와 같은 수준으로 만들다

* Staff only 관계자외 출입금지 (반대말 부정)

