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영어뉴스 공부하기: Wife who lost husband to Alzheimer's wants to inspire other caregivers

by 북노마드 2023. 4. 26.

CBS Evening News 추천


* inspire : 선한 영향을 주다 (영감보다는 나음) => 귀감, 모범이 되다

* caregiver(s) : 간병인

# Finally tonight, CBS 's Steve Hartman goes "on the road" to revisit a touching story of true love that blossomed in sickness and in health.
Peter and Lisa Marshall of Andover, Connecticut are paging through the
most memorable day of their lives.
It was unforgettable. / But, he's forgotten it. / He has forgotten it. It's the
saddest part, because you want to reminisce and you're alone in the memory.


* Finally tonight: 오늘밤 (뉴스의) 마지막 파트는

* revisit : talk about sth again : 뭔가를 다시 다룰 때!

The Korean War Revisited : 다시 돌아본 6/25 전쟁

* blossom : 꽃피웠다

* in sickness and in health : 아플 때나 건강할 때나

* page through : 책장을 넘기다 = leaf through 훑어보고, 넘겨보고

to turn the pages of a book or a pile of papers quickly and without looking at them carefully

She sat leafing through a newspaper, watching the door.

* 삐삐 = a pager 

* reminisce : 추억을 회상하다, 돌아보다

to talk, think, or write about enjoyable experiences in your past

reminisce about: 

We spent the evening reminiscing about our university days.

# As we first reported a couple years ago, Peter was diagnosed with early onset A lzheimer's. Eventually, he not only forgot his wedding day ; he forgot his wife. Lisa became just another nameless caretaker.
And yet, a whisper of their love must have remained because Lisa says all of a sudden, he began courting her as if they'd just started dating. Until one day, a wedding scene came on tv . Peter pointed to the screen and
said, " Let's do it."
And I said, "do what?" and he pointed again. and I said, " Do you want to
get married?!" And he got this grin on his face, and he said, "yeah." So,
he fell in love with me again. 


* onset : 시작, => 조기발병

the beginning of something, especially something bad

the onset of the disease

* early onset Alzheimer's

* just another = ordinary, usual 별 의미 없는, nothing special

* court voters 유권자들의 환심을 사다 : 자기를 좋아하게 만들다 = court

to try to impress or please someone because you want them to help you in some way

Suddenly, she’s being courted by newspapers and television reporters every night.

* until 그러다가 (상황이 바뀔 때 사용)

* he got this grin on his face

=> grin and bear it: 힘들어도 웃으면서 참아내!


크게 이를 드러내고 환하게 웃는 게 grin

# Lisa accepted his proposal and staged a wedding for her already husband.
I can't even describe to you how magical it was. He was so present, and
it was very touching.
Lisa says peter hadn't been this lucid in weeks , but i t was a Cinderella
moment. The clock struck 12, and by the next morning, this wedding, too,
was lost to the fog. But, Lisa says, she fully expected that.
I'm the one who's going to remember that and that's going to help me
heal later.


* stage = organize = arrange 무대에 올리다 => 준비, 기획 , 조직

* magical 마술 같은 = 도무지 믿기 힘든 

* Tech is very present in our lives : 존재감 : 우리의 삶에 각종 Tech가 존재하고 있다 => 커다란 영향을 미치다

*  live in the present / past / future

* live in the present = live in the moment 현재에 충실하자 >> live for the moment 욜로 느낌이 있음

* luicid : 의식이 또렷한 

showing or telling something in a clear, simple way

a concise, lucid description

# Unfortunately, later came. Peter died about a year ago. Lisa's now
advocating for other Alzheimer's patients and their families. She's also
written a book called, " Oh, Hello Alzheimer's."
I wanted people to understand the devastation of the disease, but, mostly,
I want people to continue to find joy and really focus on being present
with their loved ones.
Do that, and Lisa says, Alzheimer's will never defeat you. I t'll just make
your love all the more invincible.

*  advocate = support 찬성 => 구체적인 활동이 들어감(activist) 

someone who takes part in activities that are intended to achieve political or social change, especially someone who is a member of an organization

* devastation >> destroy : 파괴하고 엉망진창으로 만들다

* devastations: s를 붙이면 구체적인 사례임

*  all the more : 강조

* invincible: 무적, 그 누구도 이길 수 없는, 예전에 스폐인 무적함대에 이 표현을 사용함,

the Invincible Armada


too strong to be defeated

Teams like the Wallabies are not invincible.

a large group of war ships

The Spanish Armada was a group of ships sent from Spain to attack England in 1588.

