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영어뉴스 공부하기: Scrambled screw ups

by 북노마드 2023. 5. 1.

* scramble : 마구 섞다 => 혼란/혼선/뒤엉킨, 급한 느낌, 뒤섞이는 느낌(mixed up)

* screw up : 망치다 // X되다

* mess up - screw - f*ck 

* screw ups = mistakes, failures

# Scrambled eggs should be simple to make, but it's easy to overlook a few basic steps and techniques and end up making the following common mistakes. They look super-cool in stock images, but it's best not to use an oldfashioned cast-iron skillet to cook scrambled eggs. Yes, it can be done using a properly seasoned and well-maintained skillet, but unless you're a cast-iron aficionado, your eggs will likely stick to the pan like crazy. Just use a nonstick pan to prepare your scrambled eggs and avoid the potential headache.


* should be : 틀림없이, 분명하다, 당연하다

* overlook : 간과하다, 못 보고 지나가다 ignore

* oversee = supervise

* end up making = in the end make 결국 ~ 되다

* very > extremely > super 

* stock images : 상업용 (광고) 사진

* skillet : 후라이팬

* cast-iron 주철 무쇠

* unless : ~라면 모를까

* aficionado 광팬

* like crazy 미친 듯이 / 열라 / 무지무지

* potential = possible

# Eggs cook surprisingly quickly, so you never want to prepare scrambled eggs over high heat. Preheat your pan over medium heat and reduce it to medium-low once you add the eggs.

Yes, Gordon Ramsay does it for his French-style eggs, but for a firmer American-style scramble, don't even think twice about cracking directly into the pan to save washing a dish. This so-called shortcut can result in unattractive, streaky eggs that are unevenly mixed. Go ahead and use that extra bowl to mix your eggs well before adding them to the pan.

Since eggs cook so fast, you want to move them around in the pan to create billowy curds. Leaving them there on the heat untouched while you do something else means a dry crust will form quickly on the bottom.


* You don't want to do that = should not ~ 해서는 안 된다

* firm 꽉 차 있는, 단단한

* save : 모면하다, 하지 않다

* save washing a dish 설겆이를 줄이다

* streay : 줄 -> 줄지어지는 -> 줄무늬가 생기는

* even 짝수 = 양쪽이 맞는(저울, 긍정적인 의미임) = balanced의 느낌이 있음

* flat 부정적인 느낌이 있음 => 납작함 

* extra = additional

* You want to = should

* around 주변 둘레 

* sleep around 성적으로 문란 => 여기저기, 이리저리

* ask around 여러사람에게 물어보는 것

* shop around  여기저기 가격비교를 해 보다

* billowy : 부풀어오르는 (공기가 들어가서)

* 두부 tofu = bean curd 

* curd 덩어리

* mean : 결과

* crust 딱딱한 껍질

# The pan from your eggs will remain hot for some time after you remove it from the heat source, so you don't want to leave them there to linger after they've finished cooking. As soon as your eggs are done, transfer them to a bowl or plate.


* some time : 꽤 오랜 시간, some은 강조의 느낌이 있음

It'll tale some time => 약간 시간이 걸려 X => 시간이 꽤 걸려!

* linger 아른거리다, 없어지지 않고 계속 남아 있는 느낌

* bowl : 깊이 파인 그릇

