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영어 뉴스 공부하기 : TikTok tries to head off EU data fears, U.S. ban

by 북노마드 2023. 5. 2.

* head off : (생각하기 전에) 머리를 잘라버리다 => 미연에 방지하다 prevent, stop

# TikTok is trying to tackle EU fears over data and head off a U.S. ban. On Wednesday the social network unveiled a new security regime, dubbed “Project Clover”. That will see it store European user data locally, starting this year. As part of the plan it will open new data centres in Ireland and Norway. The move comes after the app was banned from staff phones at EU institutions. Brussels is concerned that the Chinese-owned product could be used to harvest data for Beijing.


* tackle, address, wrestle with => cope with= deal with 다루다x => 대응, 대처, (회피하지 않고) 정면 돌파 = 

* regime : 정부 => 민주적으로 선출된 정부가 아닌 경우 government 대신 regime을 많이 씀 => 정권 => 시스템

* dubbed = called ~라고 이름붙여진

* see it store : see는 보이다 => see 뒤에 것이 happen한다는 느낌임

* locally :지방X => 지역, 해당지역, 그 지역

* come after = happen의 느낌, after는 있기 전에 = come as = come when

* Brussels = EU를 상징함

* harvest => collect

# TikTok has taken similar steps to ease concerns in the U.S., where it faces a mounting crackdown by lawmake rs. This week the White House backed legislation giving the administration powers to ban TikTok and other foreign based technologies.
TikTok says it is a pro-compliance company and always open to working with authorities to address problems. Beijing has sharply criticised global moves to crack down on the app, saying they are really a bid to limit competition.


* face = 직면하다 => 어떤 상황에 처해 있다 (피할 수 없다)

* crackdown : 강경조치 (*금이 갈 정도 세게 나가는 것)

* lawmakers 의회

* mount / mountain 오르다 증가 / 장착 싣다

* back = support

* comply with the law 법을 준수하다

* compliance 준법

* pro = 찬성

* pro-compliance 준법정신이 투철한

* sharply criticise : 맹렬히 비난하다

* actually, in fact, really 오히려

* limet competition

* a bid = an attempt

