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영작 공부하기: 설득하다, 영어로 뭐라고 하지?

by 북노마드 2023. 5. 4.

1. 이 보고서는 두 부분으로 나눌 수 있다


(나의 영작)

This report can be divided into two parts.

This report cosists of two parts.

This report covers two main topics.


(모범 답안)

into : 바뀐 상태, 결과물

turn A into B : A를 B로 바꾸다  (change A to B XXXX) 

turn / translate / divide A into B


translate Korean into English

The novel has been tranlated into ten different languages. 


The report is divided into two parts.

The report consists of two sections.

The report is made up of two parts.


break down 고장나다 => down 상태가 되다 / 분석, 분류의 의미가 있음

is broken down into two sections.


The report has two sections.

2. 경찰은 그 교통사고에 관한 조사가 계속 진행 중이라고 밝혔다


(나의 영작)

The police said that the investigation on the car accident is still going on.

The car accident is not ended yet according to the police.


(모범 답안)

a car accident / crash

look into ~ = investigate

사고 조사

an investigation into the accident  (*of 도 가능하지만 into의 느낌도 가능)


Police say (= according to the police)

they're still investigation the crash. (*진행을 ing로 쓰면 된다)


the investigation into the crash

is still going on / ongoing / underway


the crash is still under investigation.


As for the car accident, police say it's still an open investigation.

Police say they're still looking into the car accident.

3. 난 스포츠를 좋아해본 적이 전혀 없어 .


(나의 영작)

I have never been a fan of the sports.

I'm not any interested in the sports all my life.


(모범 답안)

I've never liked sports.

I hate sports. (나는 원래 그런 얘야)


I've never been into sports.


a thing => my thing 좋아하는 것


Sports have nevr been my thing.

(That's definitely my thing(stuff).)


a fan

I've never been a sports fan.

I'm not a fan of sports.

I've never been a sports guy.

4. 네가 설득해보면 걔가 마음을 바꿀 지도 몰라


(나의 영작)

You could change his mind.

You might persuade hime into doing something else.


(모범 답안)

Maybe you can change his mind.

Maybe you can talk him into changing his mind.

Maybe you can persuade him to change his mind.


He talked me into it. 설득 / 꼬시다

<-> He talked me out of it. 하지 못하게 하다


You can get him to change his mind. (persuade 를 써야 한다는 강박애서 벗어나야 함)


He'll come/turn around. 마음을 바뀌다, 마음이 돌아서다

You can turn him around.

