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영어공부하기: Cash Or Credit: How To Choose Between The Two?

by 북노마드 2023. 3. 19.

# 영어 말문트기의 일환으로 영문기사를 같이 읽어보는 시간입니다.

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이창용어학원 > 수강신청

통번역대학원 입시전문학원, 통역병, 통역장교, 통역, 번역, 작문 등 강남구 역삼동위치


# So, you're at the checkout counter and you're wondering: "Should I pay for this with credit? Or should I just pull out some cash?" Well, there are definite benefits to using a credit card. You can earn perks. You can earn rewards. You can earn miles. You can earn cash back.


* credit - I bought it on credit. 외상, "신용"구매, 인정, 칭찬

* revolving  회전

* at the checkout counter :  이제 막 계산을 하려고 하다

* 장점/단점 advantage / disadvantage + benefit / drawback

* merit / demerit

* mileage 몇 마일 가능

The car gives good mileage. 연비가 좋다

* perk privilege 특혜 혜택

* rewards  포인트

# The problem with that is that some people have trouble keeping a lid on when they use plastic. There has been a lot of research that shows we spend more with credit than we do with debit, we spend more with debit than we do with cash, and that's because using a credit card feels like it's not real money. Because it's not. Because you are borrowing somebody else's money. And that can cost you a lot in interest if you don't pay it back right away.


*  I am dispointed with you.


* keep a lid on =  keep ~ secret, keep ~ under under 

to keep something strongly under control

She’s learned to put a tight lid on her emotions.


* research ( 셀 수 없음 ) =  studies ( 셀 수 있음 )


* with debit  직불카드

- debit : an amount of money taken from a bank account


*  cost   비용 대가 희생 손실

It was $500

It cost (me) $500 = I spent $500 on it.


* interest 이자 금액

interest rate 금리 비율

# If you find that you are susceptible to spending too much money because you are putting it on your credit card, then you want to use those credit cards only for larger purchases that you know that you will be paying off over time.


* susceptible ~ 하기 쉬운 likely to do

susceptible / vulneable to something 부정적인 내용 


easily influenced or affected by something

susceptible to: 

Police officers here are very susceptible to corruption.

*  find 알게 되다


* You don't want to go. = should not 가지 마

You might do that = should >> You might want to do that


* pay off 완전 변제

to give someone all the money that you have borrowed from them to buy something

Only another six months and the house will be paid off.

# Keep in mind, you want to build a strong credit record. It affects the amount that you pay on interest when you borrow money to buy a house or borrow money to buy a car. It affects how much you pay for homeowners and auto insurance, whether you can rent an apartment. Some employers even check credit history these days, and so it's worth your time to make sure that you are maintaining a good credit history and a good credit score.


* strong = healthy


* mortgage 주택담보대출


* home equity loan (소유중인) 집을 담보로 받는 대출

* 회사 company  corporation = a business (*실적 영업)

an employer  취업이나 해고, 실업시에 사용


* worth your time and money   시간과 돈을 들일 가치가 있다.

 It's worth it.

# Bottom line : a credit card is an important financial tool to have in your arsenal, but like all tools, you want to use it wisely. And if you can't use it wisely, you want to find something else.


* The bottom line is 핵심, 결론

* arsenal = weapons 

