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영어공부하기 : Amazon workers walk out in first UK strike

by 북노마드 2023. 3. 19.

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이창용어학원 > 수강신청

통번역대학원 입시전문학원, 통역병, 통역장교, 통역, 번역, 작문 등 강남구 역삼동위치


* strike  파업

* go on strike  파업하다

* walk out (공장에서 걸어나가다)

# Amazon workers walked out at a warehouse in central England on Wednesday. It comes after a months-long dispute over pay. It's the first time Amazon's operations have faced strike action in Britain. The GMB trade union expects about 300 employees to take part in Wednesday's walkout in Coventry.


*  warehouse  창고, 물류센터

*  come 오다, 의 뜻이 아닐 때는 happen 의미로 많이 쓰임

It comes after = follows


* operations 영업활동


* trade 교환 (무역X) / 업계

* a trade show 업계 박람회 (혼수, 자전거 등등)

* a trade union 산별 노조

# Stuart Richards is a senior union organiser. ''These workers are having to work incredibly long shifts just to try and make ends meet, just to try and feed their families. We've got to be better than that. This is a multimillion pound company that makes huge amounts of money. 


* senior : 직급이 높음, 근속이 높음

* make ends meet 생계유지 

* just to get by  그냥 살아가는 것

* struggling to pay the bills

# Last year, Amazon raised starting pay by 50 pence to a maximum of £11.45 per hour - or just over $14. Nicholas Henderson is an Amazon worker. He wants further talks to raise wages as inflation soars in the UK. ''Because of the cost of living going up, we are basically on the breadline. So minimum pay is going to, what, £10.42 in April. We are £10.50, so the time you add in your rent, your mortgage, your food, your bills, you've basically got nothing left. So hopefully this can get the head office to talk to us."


* starting pay 초봉

* 급등 jump soar surge

* 급락 plunge tumble slump

* on the breadline 극빈, 극도로 가난한

* basically 사실상

#  Staff in many crucial sectors have gone on strike in the UK for better pay, with nurses and rail workers among those to walk out. Amazon employs thousands of workers across 30 warehouses in the country. It has said its pay is competitive.


*  staff = workers

* better pay = higher pay

* 총직원은 = employ를 동사로 활용


