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영어뉴스 공부하기 : Latino or Hispanic? What's the difference

by 북노마드 2023. 3. 24.

# 영어 말문트기의 일환으로 영작문을 같이 해 보는 시간입니다.

# 해당 내용은 오성호 선생님의 영어강의를 바탕으로 합니다. 개인 공부차원에서 기록하고 혹시나 개중 표현이 도움이 되었으면 하는 마음으로 포스팅합니다.


이창용어학원 > 수강신청

통번역대학원 입시전문학원, 통역병, 통역장교, 통역, 번역, 작문 등 강남구 역삼동위치


# Latino and Hispanic, Hispanic and Latino. The two words are often used interchangeably, but they're not the same thing. The difference lies in the words themselves. Latino refers to geography – people who are from or descendants of Latin America. That's this area here on the globe. It includes most countries in Central and South America, as well as some in the Caribbean – 20 countries total and some territories like Puerto Rico.


* interchangeably = a synonym

* refer to ~ 을 가리키다. 언급하다 = talk about = mention

* reference 추천인

* global < globe 지구, 동그란 것

* ~ 중에 ~ 가 있다 

일부 언급 = include

* 카리브해 연안 the Carribbean

# The term Latin America was first used by Chilean politician, Francisco Bilbao, in 1856. It was used to describe countries in America whose predominant languages stem from Latin. So, like Spanish, Portuguese, French.

That's why Belize in Central America and Guyana and Suriname in South America are not part of Latin America. English is the official language of Belize and Guyana; Dutch and Sranan Tongo are spoken in Suriname. We've recently adopted Latinx as a gender-neutral alternative to Latino and Latina.


* predominant : 압도적

< the main reason 가장 큰, mainly 가장 중요한 것은


* predominant language 제 1 언어

  # In the most literal sense, Hispanic also refers to language – people who are from or descendants of Spanish-speaking countries. That includes places like Spain in Europe and some countries and territories in the Caribbean. It excludes countries like Brazil and others in Latin America, where the predominant language isn't Spanish. According to the Cervantes Institute, more than 400 million people worldwide are from Spanish speaking countries, and nearly 10% of those reside in the United States. That's a lot. And that's probably why the US government introduced the term in the 1970 Census during Richard Nixon's presidency. So, back to the beginning.


* literal : 문자 그대로

* Watch your language  말 조심해!

* language 언어생활, 언어사용

* a language 언어, 한국어 / 영어 / 중국어 ... 

* literature 문학 X => books 책들, 잡지들, 글들

* music  음악X =>  songs

* lanuage => words


* 1억 = 100  million (100*   백만)

* 10억 = 1 billon (1 *  10억 = 1 * 1000,000,000)


* reside = live > a resident 살고 있는 사람 = 거주자


4 billion = 40억

million billion trillion(조)

12자리에서 만남 = 조

#  The two terms shouldn't be used interchangeably because they're not the same thing. You can be Hispanic if you are from Spain, but that doesn't make you Latinx because you're not from a Latin American country. You are Latinx if you are from Brazil. But you're not Hispanic. But you can be both. I'm both. My family is from Mexico, both the Latin and Hispanic country. Now you know.

