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영어뉴스 공부하기: Students raise funds to make playground inclusive for those with disabilities

by 북노마드 2023. 4. 9.

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이창용어학원 > 수강신청

통번역대학원 입시전문학원, 통역병, 통역장교, 통역, 번역, 작문 등 강남구 역삼동위치


* 기금 모집 행사 : a fund-raiser

* 기금을 모집하다 : make funds

* to fund / finance a project : 프로젝트를 위한 돈을 마련하다

* inclusive : 포괄적인

deliberately aiming to involve all types of people

a new era of inclusive and accountable government

* 따 시키다 : exclude = leave somebody out (in the cold)

# There are few things in this world more powerful than a child with a dream, and in this week's "on the road," CBS' Steve Hartman shows us how a group of Minnesota school kids used their dream to help their fellow classmates. At Glen Lake Elementary, in Hopkins, Minnesota, recess is a mixed blessing. On the one hand, there's so much to do, but on the other hand, not everyone can do it. 


* mixed reactions :  엇갈린 반응

* mixed feelings : 희비 교차

# It just didn't seem fair that some kids were just left out. / It's really sad to see other kids go through that. / They didn't look happy and recess is about having fun. Glen Lake has a lot of students with physical disabilities, but no wheelchair merry-go-round, swings, or any adaptive playground equipment whatsoever, which really bothered the kids in Betsy Julien's fifth grade class, to the point where one day they asked her, "Why can't we just buy the equipment ourselves?" I said, “Do you know how much that costs? Costs a lot of money! $300,000.”


* That's not fair : 억울해

* fair unfair  정당 / 부당


* I've been through a lot 산전수전 겪었다


* The book is about love. 


* adaptive : adapt할 수 있는

* Something bothers me: 불편하다, 귀찮다 


* to the point where : ~ 지점까지


* a six-figure income : 6자리 소득 = 1억

# $300,000, by her estimation. But the kids were undeterred. They started collecting spare change, then held a bake sale, printed fliers, and went door to door. Then, they began cold-calling businesses, and even got restaurants to donate a portion of their profits. This went on for months, until last week when they hit their goal. 


* deter = prevent 방해 / 막다

* fliers : 전단지

* 앞의 내용을 받을 때는 This를 사용함. 앞의 명사를 받을 때는 It을 사용.


* untail now  : 지금까지"는" => 상황이 바뀐다는 의미

* They were happily married, until (그러다가)


* so far : 지금까지 (무색무취)

* so far, so good : 지금까지 아무 문제 없어요

# We were all very happy on the inside, and on the outside. / The smile on my face, I could say, was an ear-to-ear smile. / I was just really happy that we made it. Rhys Riley says they worked so hard. It was overwhelming to finally know a more inclusive playground would be coming. And as for the kids who will benefit, they seem to appreciate the effort almost more than the result. First time I set foot on this playground, I'm probably going to start crying. from seeing the effort that all the school has made. Mrs. Julien couldn't agree more. My future as an adult is bright, knowing that this generation of students, of change-makers, see something that needs fixing, and they go for it head first. 


* grin / smile ear to ear 입이 귀에 걸리다 

* smile broadly 크게(활짝) 웃다


* overwhelming : 빠져나갈 수가 없다, 감당할 수 없다

* come : 오다 / happen


* as for = regarding: A 얘기하다가 B 얘기할 때, 얘네들의 경우


* set foot on : ~ 에 발을 내딛다 


* couldn't agree more : 100% 공감 <-> couldn't agree less : 100% 반대


* I knew that he was lying : know는 확신의 의미가 있음

* found / learned : 모르다가 알게 되다

* go for it : 선택 / 시도 (그쪽으로 가니까), 공격(attack)

* leave for 방향

* head first 무모하게, 무작정

# Head first and dive deep. After raising the $300,000, Mrs. Julen's class set a new goal -- to the ceiling and beyond. They now hope to buy adaptive playground equipment for other schools in the district, turning loneliness and isolation into child's play. 


* dive deep :  (회사에서는) 깊게 분석


* 상한선 : the upper limit, a ceiling, a cap

* 하한선 :  the lower limit, a floor

* 연봉 상한선 : a salary cap


* district : 행정구역 / 학군(학교지역)

* It's child's play : 누워서 떡먹기 (아주 쉬운 것)

