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영어뉴스 공부하기 : Why was the Turkey-Syria earthquake so bad?

by 북노마드 2023. 4. 9.

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이창용어학원 > 수강신청

통번역대학원 입시전문학원, 통역병, 통역장교, 통역, 번역, 작문 등 강남구 역삼동위치


* I had a bad case of cold : bad = severe

# Seismologists say Monday’s magnitude 7.8 earthquake that hit Turkey and Syria is probably going to be one of the deadliest this decade. Only two others from 2013 to 2022 were of the same magnitude. Compared to the 6.2 quake that hit Italy in 2016 and killed some 300 people, the Turkey Syria earthquake released 250 times as much energy, according to one expert. So why was it so bad? The epicentre of the quake was in the Turkish province of Gaziantep and at the relatively shallow depth of about 11 miles on the East Anatolian Fault. It then radiated towards the northeast, bringing devastation to central Turkey and Syria.


* Seismologist: 지질학자

* deadly = fatal  목숨을 앗아가는 

* of importance = important

* as much energy (as 이탈리아 지진)

* epicentre :  진앙지

* fault  단층 (지층이 끊어진 것)

* plate 판

* radiation 방사선

* radiate = spread 퍼지다

* destro < devastate

# The severity was due to the fact that the East Anatolian Fault is a strikeslip fault. In those, solid rock plates are pushing up against each other across a vertical fault line, building stress until one slips in a horizontal motion, which releases a tremendous amount of strain. That, in turn, can trigger an earthquake. The San Andreas Fault in California is one of the world's most famous strike-slip faults . In Monday's quake there was a more than 62 mile rupture between the Anatolian and Arabian plates. Eleven minutes after the initial quake, the region was hit by a 6.7-magnitude aftershock. A 7.5-magnitude quake came hours later, followed by another spasm in the afternoon. Experts say activity is spreading to neighboring faults and seismicity may continue for a while.


* rupture : 파열


* followed by : 그 다음에

NTRANSITIVE/TRANSITIVE to happen or come after something else

The six o’clock news follows shortly.

the days/weeks/years etc that followed: 

In the weeks that followed the situation was very tense.

be followed by something: 

The wedding will be followed by a reception.

We had soup followed by roast lamb with spring vegetables.

to follow (=available to be eaten next): 

There’s apple pie and cream to follow.

there follows something: 

There followed seven months of hard negotiations.

* seismicity : 지진활동

# Monday’s quake already has the highest death toll in Turkey since 1999. That year, a tremor of similar magnitude struck a region near Istanbul and killed more than 17,000 people.


* tremor : (미세한) 떨림

* hit = strike

