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영어뉴스 공부하기 : Microsoft adds AI to search engine, challenges Google

by 북노마드 2023. 4. 2.

# 영어 말문트기의 일환으로 영어뉴스를 같이 공부해 보는 시간입니다.

# 해당 내용은 오성호 선생님의 영어강의를 바탕으로 합니다. 개인 공부차원에서 기록하고 혹시나 개중 표현이 도움이 되었으면 하는 마음으로 포스팅합니다.


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통번역대학원 입시전문학원, 통역병, 통역장교, 통역, 번역, 작문 등 강남구 역삼동위치


# In one of its biggest efforts yet to lead a new wave of technology and reshape how people gather information, Microsoft on Tuesday said it’s revamping its Bing search engine and Edge web browser with a new upgrade powered by artificial intelligence. Microsoft announced it will be using technology from its partnership with the startup OpenAI to bring ChatGPT-like technology into the Microsoft search engine, aiming to soar past its main rival, Google.


* yet :  앞의 최상급을 수식함 


* revamp = improve 

to improve the way that something looks or operates by making major changes to it

a plan to revamp the banking industry

* powered by : ~의 도움을 받아

* power : 움직이다.

* a gas-powered car : 휘발유차

* internal combustion : 내연기관


* the starup 신생기업

* an upstart 신생 / 하룻강아지 (*약간 부정적인 뉘앙스)


* soar : 치솟다 / 솟구치다 

* 추월 take / overtake =>  get past ~ 옆으로 쑹 지나가다

*  soar past 단숨에 추월


* mainly :  최상급의 의미가 있음. 가장 ~

* the main reason  : 주된 이유 X, 가장 큰 이유

*  an archrival / a nemesis :  숙적 = the main rival

# OpenAI made a preview of ChatGPT available for public use late last year. Its human-like responses to any prompt have given people new ways to think about the possibilities of marketing, writing term papers or even disseminating news. Bing's chatbot will help users refine questions more easily, give them more relevant up-to-date results, and even make shopping easier. Bing is far behind Google in search market share. But AI could alter the landscape. Google on Monday unveiled a chatbot of its own called Bard and it’s planning to release AI for its search engine. But which AI-powered search engine consumers will prefer in the long run remains to be seen.


* make sth available : ~를 가능하게 하다 (*사용가능에 국한하지 말고, 무엇이든 다 가능)


* prompt : (도스) 명령어, 요구사항 => 즉시 

MAINLY JOURNALISMto cause something to happen or be done

This revelation prompted the mayor’s resignation.

prompt someone to do something: 

The birth of my first child prompted me to write this article.

* disseminate = spread

to make something such as information or knowledge available to a lot of people


* refine : 가다듬다, 세련되게 만들다 


* up-to-date :

including the most recent news and information

Visit our website for the most up-to-date match reports.

bring/keep something up to date: 

Make sure your financial records are kept up-to-date.

* landscape : 풍경 -> 상황

* AI-powered : AI에 의해 구동되는(움직이는)

* sth remains to be seen : 두고봐야 한다

