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영어 말문트기 : China's border reopening is a trickle - for now (ft. 낙수효과 영어로)

by 북노마드 2023. 3. 12.

# 영어 말문트기의 일환으로 영문기사를 같이 읽어보는 시간입니다.

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이창용어학원 > 수강신청

통번역대학원 입시전문학원, 통역병, 통역장교, 통역, 번역, 작문 등 강남구 역삼동위치


* trickle 졸졸 흐르다 / 조금씩 / 단계적  vs  flood 대거 / 엄청난 양


trickle-down effect  낙수효과


if a liquid or a substance such as sand trickles somewhere, a small amount of it flows there slowly

A solitary tear trickled down his cheek.

We let the sand trickle between our toes.

# These are the first Chinese tourists to arrive in Thailand on a direct flight from China in three years - 200 of them - and a momentous occasion for them now that China's government has ended the strict COVID border controls that largely kept its citizens from traveling abroad since the start of the pandemic.


* momentous = significant 

* momentary = short-lived 단명, 단기적

# China finally reopened on Sunday to jubilant scenes at airports, and already on Monday its stock market has strengthened as has its currency, the yuan. Good news as its economy faces the lowest growth in almost half a century.


* jubilant  : 만면에 미소

* face : 피하지 못하다

# Long lines in Beijing as people eagerly await to renew their passports. The government says it expects people to take two billion trips this season, but in these early days of reopening it's only a trickle, not a flood. Not yet. Flight Data shows that on Sunday there were 245 international flights coming and going from China. On the same day in 2019 there were over two and a half thousand. Also, several countries are still cautious about how to deal with inbound Chinese travelers.



to wait for something that you expect to happen

They were awaiting the birth of their first child.

*  현재 지금은 = for now, for the time being

# The World Health Organization has accused the Chinese government of underreporting the ongoing COVID outbreak inside its borders that is overwhelming its hospitals and crematoriums, while Beijing has downplayed the severity. The United States has imposed mandatory negative COVID tests on travelers from China, as has the UK, Japan, Spain, and others. Taiwan said Monday that nearly 20% of recent arrivals from China have tested positive.


*  underreport = underrepesent

* cremate  화장하다

* crematory 화장터

* play down = downplay 축소하다


* impose 명령, 강요

* recent arrivals  / latest arrivals 신상품 (* 꼭 s가 있어야 함)

