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영어 말문트기: Prince Harry says William knocked him down over Meghan

by 북노마드 2023. 3. 3.

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* spare : 여분

* over

* a controversy over ~ 쟁점을 둘러싼 

# Britain's Prince Harry has claimed that his older brother, Prince William, knocked him to the floor in a 2019 row over his wife Meghan. That's according to Prince Harry's much-awaited memoir, which went on sale days early in Spain. The book, "Spare", was due to be published on January 10. But Reuters and other media have been able to obtain copies from Spanish bookshops.  In the book, Harry says that heir to the throne William "grabbed me by the collar, ripping my necklace, and he knocked me to the floor." Harry claims he then "landed on the dog's bowl" which cracked under his back and cut into him. He says he lay there for a moment, dazed, before getting to his feet and insisting William leave. William then challenged his younger brother to hit back, but Harry refused.


*  claim: 일방적 주장

* floor :  마루 X,    바닥  O

* a row : 라우 _ 한바탕 싸움

* in a row : 연속  => three days in a row

* it : 앞의 단순명사를 받음,  that/this : 앞의 내용을 받음

* due : 예상 

* a due date : 예정일  => 출산, 반납, 상환

* 넘기게 되면 overdue


* due

NEVER BEFORE NOUNif something is due to happen, it is expected to happen or should happen

due on/in/at: 

A new version of the software is due in the next couple of weeks.

due to do something: 

The case is due to go to court next month.

due for: 

The prisoners are not due for release until next year.

I’m due for a pay rise.

* overdue

if something is overdue, it should have been done before now

long overdue: 

This change in attitude is long overdue.

overdue for: 

You’re long overdue for a dental check-up.


* your apology is overdue :  진작에 사과했어야지!


* heir : 상속자

* rip :  찢다


* dazed and confused : 어안이 벙벙하다, 상황파악이 안 되다

* challenge = difficulty  난관, 숙제

- 해보자고 요구하다 : ask  question   demand

to question whether something is true, accurate, or legal

No one has challenged the assumptions that are made in the report.

This decision is likely to be challenged by the oil companies.

challenge someone on something: 

They’re not likely to challenge us on any of the details.

challenge someone to do something: 

We challenged the company to prove that its system was safe.

# According to the memoir, William later returned to the scene, "looking regretful, and apologized" and asked Harry not to tell Meghan that he had "attacked" him. The brawl was reportedly sparked after William called Meghan "difficult," "rude" and "abrasive." A spokesperson for the Spanish publisher said: "A very clear launch protocol was established, so that the book would not be marketed before that date. Everything points to the fact that some customers have breached their commitment to the publisher. Spokespeople for both King Charles and Prince William have declined to comment on the events.

 brawl= row(라우) 싸움

a noisy fight in a public place

a drunken brawl


* bray : 당귀귀 울음소리~

 to make the loud rough sound that a donkey makes

=>  brawl이 bray 에서 유래했으니 시끄러운 울음소리를 내는 당나귀싸움, 그러니까 한국식으로 말하면 개싸움 정도가 맞겠네요.


* spokesperson  : 관계자 = spokepeople : 대변인


* protocol : 규약 약속  rules  깨면 안되는 약속 

* breach = violate

* 계약 위반 : breach of contract

# On the streets of London, Harry's remarks received a mixed reception. “Who knows, what I am aware of is that you've got Harry and Meghan, who are making tens of millions of pounds washing their dirty laundry; their family laundry in public. And I think it's shocking. Because no matter what happens among a family, do you really want to broadcast it to the world as they do?” “I don't really care. So, I don't really care at all. At the same time, if something happens with a public body, you know, like the royal family, then people should know, I guess."


* mixed : 상반된 

* mixed emotions : 만감이 교차하다

* broadcast : 사방에 떠들어대다

# William and Harry were once seen as very close after the death of their mother, Princess Diana, in a Paris car crash in 1997. But the brothers have fallen out since Harry married Meghan, a former actress, in 2018, and stepped down from royal duties to move to California two years later. The main criticism from Harry and Meghan is that royal aides not only refused to hit back at hostile, inaccurate press coverage, but were complicit in leaking negative stories to protect other royals, most notably William."Spare" - the title of his book - comes from a well-known quote in British aristocratic circles about the need for two children - an heir, and a spare.


* main : 최상급

* the main criticism 가장 마음에 안 들어한 것


*  complicit : 연루

involved in or knowing about something bad that happens

The government itself may have been complicit in the violence.

mid 17th century: from Middle English complice ‘an associate’, from Old French, from late Latin complex, complic- ‘allied’, from Latin complicare ‘fold together’ (see complicate). Compare with accomplice.


*  aristocratic

the people in the highest class of society, who usually have money, land, and power and who often have special titles, such as ‘duke’ or ‘countess: can be followed by a singular or plural verb

the aristocracy: 

She married into the aristocracy.

late 15th century: from Old French aristocratie, from Greek aristokratia, from aristos ‘best’ + -kratia ‘power’. The term originally denoted the government of a state by its best citizens, later by the rich and well born, hence the sense ‘nobility’, regardless of the form of government (mid 17th century).

