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오미크론의 확산속도가 두배입니다, 영어로?

by 북노마드 2022. 2. 19.

1. 오미크론이 델타확산 속도의 두 배 인 것으로 보입니다.


나의 영작) Omicron seems to be spreading as fast as the delta variant


모범답안) Omicron appears to be spreading twice as fast as the Delta variant.

2. 오미크론에 대해서 많이 모르는 상태입니다. 얼마나 무서운 놈인지, 그리고 기존 백신이 얼마나 효과가 있는지…


나의 영작) We don't know much about Omicron. How severe it is and how effective the previous vacinnation


모범답안) Much about Omicron remains unknown, like its severity and how well the current vaccines perform against it.

3. 벌써 4건이 확인되었는데, 걱정이 되나요?


나의 영작) Four cases have been already confirmed, are you concerned?


모범답안) Does that concern you that you’ve spotted 4 already?

4. 어떤 변이에 감염되었는지를 알려면 최장 일주일이 걸립니다.


나의 영작) It takes up to 7 days if it is confirmed which variant you are infected with


모범답안) It takes up to 7 days to confirm which variant they’re infected with.

5. 3분의 1이 2차 접종까지 마쳤고, 한 명은 부스터 샷도 맞았습니다. 증상은 경미했습니다. 


나의 영작) A third has took the second shot, and one had a booster. and the symptoms have been moderate.


모범답안) Nearly a third have been fully-vaccinated, 1 had a booster, and everyone’s symptoms have been mild or moderate.

6. 모두에게 해당되는지를 말하기에는 너무 이릅니다.


나의 영작) It is too early to say that it will apply to everyone.


모범답안) It’s too early to know if that will be the case for all

