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바쁘신데 시간을 내 주셔서 감사합니다, 영어로 어떻게 말하지?

by 북노마드 2022. 2. 21.

1. 바쁜 스케줄에도 시간 내 주셔서 감사 드립니다. 할 일이 많으신 건 압니다. 근데 저희에게 작은 문제가 생겼습니다. 아내가 저에게 좀 화가 나 있네요.


나의 영작) Thank you for giving us your valuable time. We are fully aware that you are so hectic. But something happened to us. My wife is so upset with me.


모범답안) Let me thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule. I know you've got a lot on your plate. Okay, we have a little situation here. My wife's a little upset with me.

2. 미안합니다. 고충은 이해합니다. 하지만 제가 어떻게 해 드릴 게 없네요. 지금 등록금 전액을 내지 않는 이상 말이죠.


나의 영작) I am sorry. I am fully understand what you are suffering from. But I don't have any other solution to deal with it if you don't pay the full tuition now.


모범답안) I'm sorry. I appreciate your plight, but unfortunately, there's nothing I can do. Unless you'd like to pay the full tuition now.

3. 저도 그러고 싶지만, 지금으로서는 가능성이 전혀 없을 것 같습니다.


나의 영작) I would like to do, but for now it is unlikely that happens


모범답안) I'd like to, but I'm afraid that's not really a possibility for us right now.


4. 뭘 더해달라고 부탁하는 것이 아닙니다.


나의 영작) I am not asking you to do more.


모범답안) We’re not asking for anything extra.

5. 틀림없이 여지가 있을 것 같은데요.


나의 영작) It will be definetly possibility in there.


모범답안) There must be some kind of wiggle room here.


* wiggle room : freedom to change your mind or to try a different method, for example, in making decisions or achieving an aim

6. FAFSA 마감시한은 교육부에서 정합니다. 저희가 어떻게 할 수 가 없어요.


나의 영작) The education governmnet is bound to set the deadline of FAFSA. So, there is nothing we can do with.


모범답안)  The state FAFSA deadlines are set by the Department of Education, and we have no control over them.

7. 못 알아 듣겠니? 네가 조금만 주의했더라면 이런 난처한 상황에 안 처했을 거잖아.


나의 영작) Can't you get what I meant? If you had been a little bit more careful, we wouldn't have been in such a trouble.


모범답안)  Don't you get it? You know, we wouldn't be in this mess if you paid just a little bit more attention

8. 정작 대학에 못 가는 건 저라고요.


나의 영작) It is me that couldn't go to college.


모범답안) I'm the one who doesn't get to go to college.

9. 속상해서 그래. 내가 아빠잖아. 너를 위해 해결방법을 당연히 알아야 하는데, 어떻게 해결해야 할 지 모르겠다.


나의 영작) That's why I am upset. I am Dad, so I have to know the solution for you, but I don't know what to do with it.


모범답안) I'm just frustrated. I'm the dad. I'm supposed to know how to fix these things for you, and I just don't know how to fix this.


