1. 그러나 이제 안젤리나 졸리는 늘어나는 고 위험 유방암 유전자 보유자들에 합류하여 예방을 위해 양쪽 가슴을 절제하는 극단적인 선택을 했습니다.
나의 영작) But now, she has made a critical choice to have both breasts removed to precaution with the increasing people with DNA of a high potential risk of breast cancer.
모범 답안) But now, Angelina Jolie has joined the growing
ranks of American women who have tested positive for a high-risk breast cancer gene and taken the
radical step of a preventive double mastectomy.
* mastectomy : a medical operation in which a woman’s breast is removed
2. 항상 아이들에게 걱정하지 말라고 말하긴 했지만, 사실 나는 BRCA1이라는 결함 있는 유전자를 보유하고 있다.
나의 영작) I have been always saying to my kids, "Don't worry about it", but actually I have a defective gene of BRCA1
모범 답안) I have always told them not to worry, but the truth is I carry a faulty gene, BRCA1.
3. 총 3개월에 걸친 안젤리나 졸리의 유방절제술 및 복원 과정은 지난 2월에 시작되었습니다. 전 과정은 비밀리에 진행되었고 졸
리는 자신의 일을 계속하였습니다.
나의 영작) The whole proess of her breasts removal and recovering that needs 3 months started from last Feburuary. It kept wholly not informed and she keeps working.
모범 답안) Jolie's three-month mastectomy and reconstructive process began in February. She kept it private and carried on with her work.
* carry on with : (carry on something) to continue doing something
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